Thursday, August 2, 2012

In the thick of sound

Wow, have not posted a thing since May? Yet words and symbols are at their most abundant: cranking out code, final proofs on a volcano acoustics book chapter, final edits on an ocean infrasound paper, two papers in progress on metrics and sources, and a fresh assignments with new customers.

Also since the last post, in order of appearance: field work in Diego Garcia, surfed Indo, nursed my brother through a jungle disease, nursed my wife through a popped knee, hosted an international experiment using the Mother of Infrasound Subwoofers (MOIS), remodeled the kitchen, picked up archery, quit drinking forever, and started consulting.

Papers, books, and instrumentation clutter every surface of my desk, stacks upon stacks of words, equations, and spectra, the imposed order of writing breeding chaos, inexorably increasing entropy. I no longer question why I persevere with this frantic pace, I understand it defines who I am.

Hope to come up for air sometime in late September, somewhere between London and Seoul.
